Solicitation Charge Defense in Long Beach, CA
Arrested for allegedly soliciting a prostitute?
When it comes to prostitution, the alleged prostitutes are not the only ones who can end up facing criminal charges. Any customer of a prostitute, commonly referred to as a "john," can also be arrested. In California, this criminal offense is called "solicitation." The act of soliciting a prostitute involves offering or agreeing to pay a prostitute in exchange for a sexual act. The payment might be money or something else that holds value.
Being accused of soliciting a prostitute can have various negative consequences. First, the individual can end up with a criminal conviction on his or record and criminal penalties. Second, these types of allegations can be very embarrassing and can ruin a person's reputation and/or career.
At the Law Office of Leonard Matsuk, we know that some individuals are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Work with an Experienced Attorney for Your Solicitation Charge
You will want experienced legal counsel if you have been charged with the crime of solicitation. You should act quickly to get a powerful legal defense who can get to work at once fighting on your behalf.
If you have been falsely accused of solicitation, or if you just believe you deserve a second chance after making a mistake, we advise you to consult with our experienced Long Beach criminal defense lawyer, Leonard Matsuk. He brings more than four decades of experience to the table!
Aggressive Defense from a Long Beach Sex Crime Attorney
Solicitation is a crime that is prosecuted as a misdemeanor. Individuals who are convicted of this offense can be sentenced to a jail term lasting up to six months and a fine amounting up to $1,000. When you bring your case to our firm, we can serve as your legal advocates. We strive to help our clients avoid conviction wherever possible, though the next positive outcome is getting the charge or sentence reduced. There are many different kinds of defenses that can be used in solicitation cases, such as the defense that the evidence is weak or problematic, or the defense that the crime was based on entrapment.
The defense of entrapment is often used in cases that involve undercover operations (or "sting operations") employed by law enforcement. Police use various undercover tactics to arrest both the prostitute and prostitute's customer (john) for solicitation, such as pretending to be a "john" or a prostitute. They will canvass streets, visit massage parlors and even arrange dates through escort services in order to make arrests. If this has happened to you, your rights and your freedom are at stake. Make sure that you adequately prepare by retaining the services that we offer.
Contact our firm and get the competitive legal representation you need for your case. We can help you determine the defense strategy that best meets your specific needs!
Our Victories
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