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Blogs from December, 2015


In many law enforcement agencies around the country, the holiday season is referred to as “DUI Season” due to how many people wind up behind bars due to drinking and driving. Everyone wants to have fun with their friends and family in front of the fireplace, and this means drinking eggnog, spiced wines, and more festive spirits. But everyone also wants to be in bed by the end of the night. So where is the balance? What can be done to prevent DUIs this holiday season?

Check out these smart tips to help you avoid a DUI arrest on your record:

  1. Buddy system: Don’t go to a party alone if you intend to drink. Instead, bring a friend who you are comfortable with driving your car and who is willing to be your designated driver. This is an age-old tip for any party scene but it is especially useful during the holidays when officers are looking in each nook and cranny for drunk drivers.
  2. Taxis to the rescue: Calling a taxi cab is easier than ever due to the advent of cellphone apps like Uber and Lyft. Are you going to partake in the spirits this winter? Download a taxi app or save a taxi company’s number in your phone beforehand so you can get a ride when you need it most.
  3. Crashing on couches: Ask the hosts of any party you attend if they would permit you to spend the night on the couch or guest room before you start drinking. They will appreciate you asking rather than just assuming, and you will appreciate sleeping on cushions, rather than behind your wheel. Extra hint: you can be arrested for a DUI if you are found asleep in the car and intoxicated, even if you are on the backseat.

No one is incapable of making a mistake, though, and sometimes you do have more to drink than you realized. If you are arrested for a DUI this holiday season, despite your careful planning, you don’t need to roll over and let the criminal justice system crush you with penalties. Stand up for your rights with the help of Long Beach DUI Attorney Leonard Matsuk and our firm, the Law Office of Leonard Matsuk. We bring 30+ years of legal experience and 200+ bench trials under our belts to our defense! Call 562.375.4834 today to learn more about our services.
